trivial benchmark


An easy to use benchmarking system.

About Trivial-Benchmark

Frequently I want to do a quick benchmark comparison of my functions. time is nice to get some data, but it's limited to a single run so there isn't really much of a statistical value in it. Trivial-Benchmark runs a block of code many times and outputs some statistical data for it. On SBCL this includes the data from time, for all other implementations just the REAL- and RUN-TIME data.


We assume that there's a local or global nickname for org.shirakumo.trivial-benchmark called tb. You can activate the global nickname with (org.shirakumo.trivial-benchmark:add-nickname).

For basic throwaway benchmarking, the with-timing macro should suffice:

(tb:with-timing (1000)
  (+ 1 1))

However, you can also do more complex timing using your own timer and with-sampling. The former creates a new timer object (with an optional list of metrics to sample) and the latter collects one sample for each metric of the timer for the duration of the body forms.

(defvar *timer* (make-instance 'tb:timer))

(tb:with-sampling (*timer*)
  (+ 1 1))

(tb:with-sampling (*timer*)
  (expt 10 100))

(tb:report *timer*)

(tb:reset *timer*)

(tb:report *timer*)

System Information

Yukari Hafner

Definition Index