documentation utils


A few simple tools to help you with documenting your library.

Table of Contents

About documentation-utils

This is a small library to help you with managing the docstrings for your library.

How To

The central element is the define-docs macro. It takes a body of expressions to define the documentation. In the simplest form, this looks like so:

  (my-function "Some documentation"))

If you need a different type of documentation, or want to be explicit, prepend its type to the expression.

  (function my-function "Some documentation")
  (variable *my-variable* "Something else"))

In order to make things look more homely, aliases exist that can be used instead:

  (defun my-function
    "Some documentation")
  (defvar *my-variable*
    "Something else"))

Aliases exist for most of the def* expressions. Some expressions can take multiple arguments for the specifier, but the last in the expression is always the docstring:

  (defmethod foo :append ((num integer) other)

You can also extend this system for your own documentation translators. If you need more complex behaviour than the default of (documentation specifier type), see define-documentation-translator. If you are defining a new documentation type, you should also add a documentation-test to ensure that check can verify that you actually did set a documentation.

Custom Documentation Syntax

In case you would like to use a richer markup than plaintext within your documentation, you can use the formatter facility. Formatters take the last expression in a documentation definition expression and translate it to a docstring. This means that, with the right formatter, you can use a format other than plain docstrings, or even hook this into another documentation processing system in order to emit richer text while staying compatible to the standard cl:documentation facility.

In order to switch the formatter, you can use the define-docs options like so:

  :formatter my-formatter
  (function my-function
    (:arguments (a "Something about this"
                 b "Something about that")
     :return-value "Nothing useful"
     :summary "This function does something, though I don't know what.")))

Aside from the :formatter option, you can pass an arbitrary number of other options as well, which will be used as initargs for the formatter instance. Note that this is all done at macroexpansion-time, and the initarg values are thus used as literals.

The formatter presented above is just an example and is not provided by documentation-utils. Since I can't anticipate people's overall preferences in documentation style, it is up to you to write something more complicated to extend documentation-utils capabilities. Doing so should just be a matter of subclassing formatter and adding a method to format-documentation, though. As an example, the above could be done as follows:

(defclass my-formatter (formatter) ())

(defmethod format-documentation ((formatter my-formatter) type var docs)
  (format NIL "~a~@[

  ~a: ~a~}~]~@[

Return value:
          (getf docs :summary)
          (getf docs :arguments)
          (getf docs :return-value)))

I'm sure you can imagine your own way of doing things.

Multiple Language Support

If you would like to provide documentation for your system in multiple languages, you can use the multilang-documentation-utils system, which relies on multilang-documentation. You can then use a plist of languages and docstrings as the docstring in a definition.

Note that this uses the formatter mechanism to do its work. If you want to use a custom formatter in addition, you'll need to change it to output the appropriate docstrings to multilang-documentation:documentation.

  :formatter docs:multilang-formatter
  (function foo
    (:en "Does some fooey"
     :de "Macht einen Quatsch"
     :ja "出鱈目をします。")))

System Information

Yukari Hafner

Definition Index