machine measurements


Perform measurements about CPU time, memory usage, etc.

Table of Contents

About Machine-Measurements

This is an extension system to machine-state to provide easier access to machine state over time, such as CPU utilisation, IO speed, etc.

How To

Create a measurement you'd like to observe, then run measure to draw a measurement. Each measurement type has a constructor function with the same name.

(org.shirakumo.machine-state.measurements:cpu-% T)
(org.shirakumo.machine-state.measurements:measure *)

The every time measure is invoked it'll probe the value again as well as the time difference since the last measurement. Returned are always three values: the measured value, the time difference in seconds as a double-float, and the measurement object.

For example, to create a very simple utilization display:

(loop with m = (list (org.shirakumo.machine-state.measurements:cpu-% T)
                     (org.shirakumo.machine-state.measurements:storage-io T))
      initially (format T "~5a ~5a ~6a~%~18{-~}~%" "CPU%" "MEM%" "IO(kb)" 0)
      for (cpu mem io) = (mapcar #'org.shirakumo.machine-state.measurements:measure m)
      do (format T "~5,1f ~5,1f ~6d~%" cpu mem (round (/ io 1024)))
         (sleep 1))
; =>
; CPU%  MEM%  IO(kb)
; ------------------
; 100.0  43.1      0
;  17.9  43.1      0
;  18.5  43.2    452
;  29.9  43.2      0
; ...

And that's pretty much it. Please see the symbol index for an enumeration of all available measurements.

System Information

Yukari Hafner

Definition Index