simple inferiors


A very simple library to use inferior processes.

Table of Contents

About Simple-Inferiors

This is a library to allow easy handling of external processes, and primarily to get their output. It handles proper copying of stdout and stderr of the process simultaneously, both in a sequential and parallel fashion. It also features a lazy directory switching mechanism, to avoid running into parallelism problems when having to chdir.

How To

Load simple-inferiors with ASDF or Quicklisp

(ql:quickload :simple-inferiors)

Run a program!

(simple-inferiors:run "bash" '("-c" "for i in `seq 1 10`; do echo $i; done"))

Not very exciting. By default the output is discarded and you only get the exit code. Let's see what it says:

(simple-inferiors:run "bash" '("-c" "for i in `seq 1 10`; do echo $i; done")
                      :output T)

By default the streams will be copied character by character. This allows the most immediate fetching of the output from the process, at the cost of being very CPU intensive. If you can afford it, you may want to switch to a more efficient method, such as copying line by line:

(simple-inferiors:run "bash" '("-c" "for i in `seq 1 10`; do echo $i; done")
                      :output T :copier :line)

The output actually doesn't change for this tiny test case, but the performance can be radically different for larger outputs. You may also pass a number to specify a custom buffer size, or a function to handle the stream copying yourself.

When the stack is unwound, simple-inferiors tries to terminate the external process. By default it will try to ask the process to terminate with 0.1 second delays and then it will try to kill it if it still hasn't terminated. In order to control this stopping, you must supply a different handler to run.

(simple-inferiors:run "bash" '("-c" "sleep 60") 
                      :handler (lambda (c p oi oo ei eo) 
                                 (simple-inferiors:handle-process-sequential c p oi oo ei eo :stop-attempts 100)))

You may also use handle-process-parallel if you would like to use threads to handle the stdout and stderr of the process instead of attempting to read both simultaneously sequentially, or provide your own handler function entirely.

If you need to handle different directories for your process, you can use with-chdir. Note that with-chdir does not actually perform a chdir and instead rebinds *cwd*. The chdir is only performed (if at all necessary) at the very last stage when a process is run. This avoids clashing if parallelism is involved. with-chdir merges the passed location (resolved by location) with the current *cwd*. If *cwd* is NIL (such as at the very beginning), the cwd is used to merge the path. If you need to absolutely definitely perform a chdir, you may use with-exchdir. Note that it will signal an invalid-location-error if changing directory to an inexistent location is attempted.

System Information

Yukari Hafner

Definition Index